Ceremonial Cacao

Many people are beginning to hear the call to connect with the Cacao Spirit. Some describe it as curiosity, others as a longing for more connection. I felt both, along with a whisper in my heart and a gentle nudge to reconnect with Mother Nature. Cacao is more than chocolate, she is love. The spirit of cacao carries with her an intelligence that we cannot perceive with the mind. We sense her intuitively in our hearts as she helps us to experience the magic of the Divine.


my calling

I was really drawn to chocolate for about ten years—like breakfast, lunch and dinner weren’t complete without a few bites of chocolate. The magnetic attraction became even stronger when I discovered that without additives and sweeteners, chocolate’s diverse flavors vary significantly from bean to bean. As I spent a year attempting to balance the candida in my body as one means of healing the many mystery illnesses going on, I turned to 100% dark chocolate to satiate my desire for an after-meal treat. The different boutique varieties I ordered online were kind of like comparing and contrasting fine wines. I investigated the idea of becoming a chocolate sommelier (it's a thing!) but never made that happen. I just kept feeding my addiction.

The physical effects of my dark chocolate weren’t necessarily pleasant, though. Sadly, I didn't experience the "love" sensation for which it's so well known. Instead, the darker the chocolate, the more my nervous system became frazzled. Now I understand why. Processed chocolate often has a higher caffeine content and numerous added ingredients. Raw cacao—from carefully cultivated heirloom strains—has very little caffeine and instead a plethora of healing antioxidants and minerals alongside heart-opening theobromine.

photo @cacaolaboratory

photo @cacaolaboratory

the superest of superFoods

Years later, I rediscovered chocolate in this ceremonial sacred cacao form, and the first time I tried it I realized this was where I was being guided all along. Ceremonial cacao is a powerful medicine for opening the heart, but it's also an incredibly nutritious plant. And when I listen to my intuition and consume it in the right amounts and only as often as my body calls for it then it/she serves me very, very well.  

Ceremonial-grade cacao has more antioxidants than any other known food source and, pharmaceutically speaking, is the most complex food found in nature. With over 300 nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, calcium, B vitamins, iron, omega-6, vitamin C, chromium, sulfur, and zinc, cacao truly nourishes my physical body as well as my emotional and spiritual bodies.

And speaking of emotions, drinking cacao triggers the release of dopamine which helps to alleviate the symptoms of PMS and depression. It also contains chemical components important to the endocannabinoid system similar to anandamide, aka “the bliss molecule.” These natural pleasure molecules attach neatly onto the cells of the nervous system, soothing us and stimulating a sense of happiness.

Theobromine is the active ingredient in heirloom cacao. "Theobroma" means food of the gods: theo/god and broma/food. While caffeine stimulates our nervous systems (and is present in higher quantities in mass-produced, hybridized strains of commercial chocolate), theobromine stimulates our cardiovascular systems.

There is a very small amount of caffeine in the ethically-sourced cacao I drink. Studies show that the content is similar to that of a cup of green tea (if not lower)!

Cacao in Ceremony

Ritual, Reverence and Receiving—the three Rs of creating my sacred space around cacao. Mayans and Aztecs brought this plant’s love and wisdom to us, and it is our duty to honor those ancestors for helping us understand her power. Most indigenous peoples regard the Cacao Spirit as a feminine force and so I refer to “her.”

With great respect, I do my best to ritualize each of my cacao experiences. This can be as simple as playing joyful music while preparing my morning cup or as elaborate as gathering beautiful flowers along a morning walk to add to an offering. The ritual of ceremony reflects our sacred connection & relationship with Mother Earth. If done with others, it fulfills our deep longing for connection.

The third R—receiving—is vitally important, especially in our modern-day culture. Receiving is a choice, and so much of the time we find that it’s easier to give than it is to receive. Cacao is subtle medicine. She doesn’t force her gifts on us. In fact, if cacao is consumed without ritual and reverence, we may not sense her presence at all.


be still and know

The felt experience of cacao is unique to everyone who unites with her. The loving intelligence and intuitive messages she imparts affect each person and each encounter differently. Sometimes her subtle messages come as an inner knowing, helping one to see things more clearly. Sometimes she enters the body as grounding energy, allowing fresh air to flow gracefully in and out. Her energy can be playful, healing, softening, connecting, deepening, relaxing or magical. Cacao is always there to guide and teach, as long as we are willing to be still and listen.

Journaling is an excellent way to work with the intuitive messages you receive during a cacao experience.

Learn more about my signature program. I offer new circles a few times per year.
Ritual: Self-Care & Cacao


preparing your space

This means cleaning everything in your space so you can focus on one thing only—preparing and blessing your cacao.

Start with a fresh clean surface to chop and blend your sacred cacao drink. See “preparing your cacao” below for instructions.

Prepare an offering—whether to the spirit of the cacao, the earth, the waters, etc.—to give thanks for all that we receive. Your offering can be in the form of flowers, copal/herbs, songs, prayers, etc. It doesn’t need to be elaborate, but consider giving back with an offering that, to you, represents love and appreciation.

Play music, sing, light a candle, and/or smudge the area with Sage or Palo Santo to clear the energy of the space to open your ritual.

Do what you intuitively want to do before you start, to ensure that your mood is as positive and relaxed as possible. This step is uniquely personal—everyone does it differently—but it is important to bless the space and honor what you are about to do.

preparing your cacao

Source: These are a few high-quality ceremonial-grade cacao options:

Basic recipe: 1 ounce of cacao and 4-6 ounces of warm (not boiling) water. Chop cacao and mix ingredients with a whisk or in a blender. A ceremonial dose is 1-1.5 ounces of cacao.

Optional Cacao Boosters: Sweeteners - date, monkfruit, coconut sugar, agave, maple syrup, or honey. Spices – Himalayan salt, cinnamon, cayenne, chili pepper, cardamom, mesquite, maca, or medicinal mushrooms like cordyceps and lion’s mane. The addition of rose petals on top is nice as well.

*Cacao can have laxative and diuretic effects, so drink ample water and start with a lower dose to determine how your body responds.

Want to jazz up your cup of cacao? Check out some of my favorite recipes here: Self-Care and Sacred Cacao


blessing your cacao

Bless your cacao at any point during the making of it. The “how” is up to you. Some place their hands over the top of the cacao to feel its energy and give their thanks; some say a prayer; some sing to their cacao.

Do what feels good to you, but the intent is to realize this moment as sacred, that you're about to drink an ancient medicine. Cacao has been used for many centuries by indigenous cultures in blessing ceremonies, rituals, marriages, and births. As you prepare to transport yourself into a beautiful place of calm, of deep meditation, it’s important to express reverence. We make it sacred by paying attention to what we are doing.

After your blessing, think about what you need right now for this particular ceremony. With the cup in your hands, take it in with all your senses, and whisper your intentions into your cacao. Make a wish, ask for something to be manifested, or ask to energetically let go of something that’s been holding you back.

Intention is everything in ritual. Make this moment count. Consider what you want from your life in this particular moment. Sit with cacao and drink it mindfully. This hour or so can be such a beautiful, deep experience if you are able to quieten your mind and focus.

cacao supports your body

  • enhances focus

  • develops a peaceful state

  • creates ‘heart centeredness’ feelings of trust, love, safety

  • assists in the shifting of emotional blockages

  • encourages creativity

  • increases productivity

  • reduces depression and negative emotions

  • prevents the hardening of arteries & blood clots

  • helps to prevent cardiovascular disease & risk of stroke

  • naturally boosts our immune system

  • reduces bad cholesterol

  • helps one to remember dreams and works as an excellent facilitator for lucid dreaming


key tips

Consume cacao on a light or empty stomach.

Avoid caffeine at least 3 hours before.

Leftover cacao can be kept in the fridge for up to 3 days (and it morphs into a delicious mousse!)

Rather than emptying any remaining cacao down the sink, be mindful of her sacredness. Carefully pour any leftovers onto the earth, giving the nutrients back to mother nature. Maybe bless your favorite flower or tree and say a prayer as you release it back to Pachamama.


Those with serious heart conditions, who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or currently taking MAOI / SSRI antidepressants are discouraged from taking ceremonial doses of cacao due to medical contraindications. Cacao naturally has small amounts of caffeine and may dilate blood vessels. You may still participate but may require a smaller, energetic dosage or other special precautions. Raw cacao contains histamine. Dogs and animals should not be given raw chocolate, as they lack the enzyme to metabolize theobromine (which can be fatal).

If any of these apply to you, please contact me to discuss your situation prior to the ceremony. ♥