*This event was held on March 10th, 2018. Our next retreat is being planned for April 2019. Stay tuned!

A Self-Empowerment Workshop Facilitated by Carrie Eckert | Certified Martha Beck Coach & Mind Body Skills Practitioner

Do you find yourself...

simply forging ahead much of the time...

pushing through your busy days...

attempting to cast aside your unusual ailments...

stuffing away those negative encounters...

so that you can just make it another day?


Maybe, like me five years ago, you have this deep-rooted sense that there's a greater purpose for your life. You just don't know how to go about connecting with it.

Our modern day society, filled with a soup-like concoction of high-stress job demands, perfect parenting ideals, a progressively harmful food supply, and insidious environmental toxins puts many of us in a chronic state of "fight or flight" that we're unable to shake. Our bodies are designed to help us survive in the wild and in high-stress situations - like when the caveman was able to protect his family from the sabre tooth tiger. He was able to stay and fight or high tail out of harm's way!

Once the threat subsided he would sit around the campfire with his tribe - eating, drinking, dancing and playing. His body knew to settle back into a place of peace and calm. 

Unfortunately, our bodies aren't so good at finding that equilibrium these days. Our relaxation mode rarely, if ever, turns on anymore! And this chronic state of "fight or flight" can lead to any number of physical and mental symptoms such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, unusual pains, hormone imbalances, food sensitivities, weakened immune responses, allergies, unexplainable weight gain and more. 


Push Pause + Reconnect

The Push Pause + Reconnect Mini Retreat was created by Carrie Eckert, a mind body health coach who conquered multiple "mystery illnesses" through her own practice of neuroplasticity and mind body methods. Begin to fill your own toolkit with some of the techniques Carrie collected on her path, including thought-dissolving work, gentle yoga, body awareness, visualizations, self inquiry and contemplative journaling. These tools are designed to help you reconnect to yourself.

The workshop offers techniques to help you become grounded, present and calm within your body. As you learn to come back to this place of calm, or "home", within yourself, your body does what it truly wants to do naturally - HEAL + THRIVE. The Push Pause + Reconnect Mini Retreat is a journey of self discovery and self love.



Healthy lunch will be provided.

Bring only yourself (and a yoga mat if you have one).
No previous yoga experience is required.


Date: Saturday, March 10, 2018
Time: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Carrie's Home
Sarasota, Florida

What's on the Agenda?

Dramatic Play with Christine Hopkins, Director of Education at FST

Light Yoga with Athena Asha, 200hr RYT

Healthy Lunch provided by Nutritious You

Mindful Eating with Cari Beard, aka The Wellness Chik

Guided Visualizations, Intuitive Journaling and Group Coaching with Carrie Eckert, Mind Body Coach