Ritual: Reflections with Cacao

Daily rituals—those activities I wake up excited to immerse myself in every day because they inspire, energize, and ground me—have become an integral part of my ability to embody my healthiest and happiest self. I believe in the power of stillness. The power of reverence. The power of the healer inside each of us. This is why I drink sacred cacao and come home to myself every single day.

Add to that the camaraderie and support of a (virtual) circle of other souls going through this human journey, and a recipe for true healing is manifested. There is joy in belonging. Power in connection. In spite of the restrictions of the past few years, I found ways to gather in community. And my experiences with others have been nothing short of magical. I would love for you to experience that magic as well!


some say it takes 21 days to create a habit…

I want to see this happen for you. I want to help you make peace with a practice of being in presence and embrace it with love instead of feeling like it’s another wellness “to do.”

With a repertoire of heart-opening cacao ceremonies, a small group of supportive souls by your side, and a program designed for ultimate engagement, you will learn how to create and sustain a daily ritual of coming home to yourself. And you’ll enjoy it so much that when the journey comes to a close, you won’t want to go back to living without this grounding daily self-reflection ritual.


enter sacred cacao

Ceremonial-grade cacao is a very special plant medicine that gently pulls you into your heart. You can learn more about how this healing elixir has benefitted me and how it differs from commercial chocolate here: Cacao is Love If you aren’t able to drink cacao for any reason, I have several suggestions for heart-opening and calming teas that will also support you on this presence and self-reflection journey.


ritual: reflections with cacao

The program I created is a magical, transformative, and supportive 22-day journey into the heart as a portal to creating and sustaining a daily ritual of coming home to yourself.

A virtual circle of souls will journey along with you as you learn about and explore the healing potential of ritual, develop a newfound appreciation of the innate wisdom of your body, and reconnect with the playful child still alive inside of you.

By the end of this journey, you will have cultivated a habit of and deep desire for spending time in peaceful solitude with the incredible human that you are—your strength and compassion, your messiness and scars, all of you.


what’s included?

  • Four Zoom group cacao ceremonies comprised of teachings, meditations, talking circles, music, and open discussions.

  • ​A 15-minute reflection or activity to do each day which will be sent to you in the private Signal group, including special offerings, creative endeavors, letters, journaling prompts, and more.

  • Daily check-ins, discussions, and group support to accompany you on your quest to create and sustain a self-care practice.

  • Cacao recipes and tips

  • Custom RITUAL journal​ for the first 4 who register!

In this sacred circle, you will bond and communicate with the ever-present, loving divinity within you.


dates & times

The program is closed for registration in 2023.

Contact Carrie if you would like to begin planting the seeds for a circle with your friends. We can discuss ideal days/times for the weekly Zoom or in-person ceremonies together!

Four live virtual group calls will be held weekly on [days/time TBD in 2024] with 21 daily prompts and conversations to deepen participants’ cacao practice in between.


testimonials from our past circles

“The universe and divine timing presented me with the opportunity to participate in Carrie’s Ritual: Self-Care & Cacao program. I had no idea what to expect but knew that gifts were waiting within this opportunity. The space that Carrie created for this group was simply amazing; it was safety, comfort, connection with self, cacao, and women. I have experienced the power of circles before in my life and truly feel it is within these circles that such amazing gifts lie waiting for us—and this was exactly that! This program was a wonderful and gentle respite in my very intense healing journey that gave way for playfulness, laughs, learning and enlightenment. I am so thankful for the lessons, connections and love that emerged from this program.”

“Before the Ritual: Self-Care & Cacao program with Carrie I was feeling a bit scattered, but generally pretty good. I wasn’t expecting to have the profound breakthroughs that I did! The daily prompts and questions are so gentle yet deeply powerful, and invited me into spaces of myself I hadn’t visited for a long time. Because of Carrie’s 22-day circle I was able to realize that I had been in a state of hypervigilance around food and my body, and was actually at war with myself! Even though I was doing all of the “self-love” stuff, it wasn’t until working with Carrie that I realized that I really wasn’t my own side, I was constantly at battle with myself. Through my time with Carrie I was able to tune into her soft, loving and nurturing nature and begin to really let all parts of me begin to play in harmony again. This was a huge shift and transformation in my life, and it was thanks to Carrie and the way she beautifully facilitates and invites you deeper to know yourself. Carrie is an absolutely magical, beautiful, intuitive, wise, gentle and powerful soul. It is truly an honour and a blessing to work with Carrie!“

I participated in Carrie's summer Ritual: Self Care & Cacao series. I had never hear of cacao or these daily rituals until Carrie introduced me to them. She taught us about the benefits of a daily self-care practice and guided us each day through different activities. The activities were a thoughtful mix of self-exploration and reflection; some were difficult, many were fun and delightful. By the end of the 22 days, I had fully embraced this technique. It is one that has been healing for me!”
-Natalie von Suskil, MS, RD

“Carrie facilitates a beautiful 22 day ritual! If you have any curiosity about deepening your understanding of who you are and want to explore your softer side, sign up!! Everyday you have a new prompt to explore! It’s fun, it’s deep, and it’s a beautiful experience. I looked forward to having my cacao and spending time with myself every morning! Meeting up as a group every Friday was also a highlight of my week. It was a safe space where I was able to open up and talk about things I’ve never been able to open up about. All I can say is thank you Carrie for teaching me how to open and how to continue the ritual on my own. ♥️

“My experience with Carrie Eckert leading the Cacao Ritual Group was extremely healing. I didn't know what to expect at first but I quickly caught on. Carrie did a great job of leading the group, providing thoughtful prompts and created a safe space for our group to share openly. Taking the time to ponder a time in our life, either past, present or future, is very therapeutic. The Cacao opens the heart and allows the feelings to flow. The Cacao Ritual is now a daily ritual for me.”



$222 USD

If you don’t have ceremonial cacao, you can order ahead on your own or request that I send you 32 ounces, more than enough for a one-ounce serving per day for $77 (shipped).

These are my favorites as I’ve enjoyed them all and know that they are sourced with love using heirloom strains of cacao from agroforestry, eco-friendly farms:


frequently asked questions

What do we do on the live calls?
Our group calls will be open and fluid with a mix of instruction, guided meditations, Q&A, and ample room for sharing! This is not a coaching program, though the space will be co-created as we move through the days and weeks together. If I sense that a certain coaching “tool” will benefit the group then I will certainly introduce it.

What if I’ve never had ceremonial cacao before?
That’s great! Most participants have little or no experience with this heart-opening plant “medicine.” That’s part of the beauty of this experience. Many of us have conscious (or subconscious) blocks around creating a self-care practice. I have found that bringing in the ritual of preparing and drinking sacred cacao helps open to the door to allowing ourselves the gift of coming home to ourselves in a unique way. I will answer all your questions and provide step-by-step preparation instructions. No worries!

What if I can’t have chocolate because I’m on a certain healing diet?
I always suggest consulting with your health care practitioner and listening to your body. While chocolate can be problematic for some, others find that this minimally processed plant from heirloom strains of cacao affects the body differently than commercial chocolate with its processing and unhealthy additives. I’m happy to send a sample for you to try if you would prefer not to commit to a full block of cacao. If it doesn’t resonate, I can suggest several heart-opening teas to support you in this program.

What if I’ve already participated in one of your Ritual circles? Can I do it again?
Yes, of course! While some of the daily prompts will be the same, many will differ from circle to circle. Just like our group calls are fluid, the daily rituals I provide along the way are part of a co-creative process. I sense the needs of the participants and often provide new activities along the way to best support the group's energy.

How do we stay connected between calls?
Using the simple Signal app, we’ll communicate with one another daily. The app allows for photos, voice memos, videos, and text messages to be privately shared amongst the group. Each morning you’ll find a journaling prompt or creative activity to enjoy along with your daily cacao. Sharing your experience is always optional, but most participants find that having their voice heard is very powerful and healing in and of itself.

What if I still have questions?
You can schedule a 20-minute call with me here!


save my place!

Space in these groups is limited to allow ample time for everyone to share. If you feel like you would be a good fit for an upcoming group and would like to join or have any questions, then please let me know by filling out the form below. I will email registration info to you shortly!