Posts tagged shelter in place
Headlines and Headaches

I’ve written before about the dangers of the online world as it relates to limbic system dysfunction and mystery illness. While screens, in general, are known to suck the life force from us, spending too much time watching the news or scrolling social media places our power in the hands of all the other “experts” out there. And the current pandemic is the ideal time for those experts to tempt us away from trusting our inner knowing.

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The Best Solution for Covidcation Boredom

I’m officially reinstating the Bored Jar. Back in the day, when my boys were in preschool and elementary, uttering the words, “Mom, I’m bored,” meant playing Russian roulette with the family jar. There were plenty of fun games and activities inside that little glass container, but there were also a few chores sprinkled in. I miss that age.

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