Posts tagged mind-body healing
Eight Body & Mind Tools to Bring Calm in the Face of Fear

Many of us have lived inside our heads for so long that we’ve all but lost the connection to our physical bodies. We can feel the physical pain of illness, but in general, we don’t actually feel the various parts of our body. Why have we become so disconnected? Why are most of us deaf to the whispers of the physical body and only able to hear the screams?

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Gratitude Journaling Meditation

I've been reading through some old journals, something I like to do every year or so to see how far I've come in my healing journey, and came across a gratitude writing meditation. Spending time alone with myself and my thoughts has been a crucial part of my ability to heal. I've never enjoyed the completely silent, watch your thoughts as if they're little popping bubbles of meaningless words, type of meditation. Maybe I'm not there yet. Maybe I never will be. That's okay.

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The Good Marionette - Part One

The story begins many, many years ago, but in the essence of time we’ll jump ahead to a picturesque fall day in small town Georgia. The crispness of the unusually dry, cool air gives her goosebumps, but the warmth of her companions in this moment creates a beautiful balance—a perfect yin and yang of cold and hot, vulnerability and protection. . . .

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