Posts tagged autoimmune
The Good Marionette - Part One

The story begins many, many years ago, but in the essence of time we’ll jump ahead to a picturesque fall day in small town Georgia. The crispness of the unusually dry, cool air gives her goosebumps, but the warmth of her companions in this moment creates a beautiful balance—a perfect yin and yang of cold and hot, vulnerability and protection. . . .

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From Mold Illness to Mindfully Healed, Part II: Clean-Up

Though misunderstood by many—even in the medical field—there is a difference between mold toxicity and a mold allergy. A mold allergy is what my husband experienced when we pulled off the door frames and found ourselves face-to-face with Stachybotrys, i.e., black mold. An allergy elicits an immune response that usually manifests with symptoms in the sinuses and lungs. This response is typically an acute one (at least on the surface) that subsides when a person removes himself from the proximity of mold.

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The problem with being busy

Modern day society values hard work. Most of us are brought up to believe that success can only arise out of blood, sweat and tears. That’s how we can become the best versions of ourselves. That’s how we can accomplish greatness. That’s how we can be happy. 

Problem is, all this hard work, or being busy, actually distracts us from being happy! 

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What do we actually give up for our health?

Like many you I felt that I had given up so much in my life in an effort to heal. 

I gave up gluten, dairy and a laundry list of other foods in an effort to heal my gut. 
I made this mean that I had given up on enjoying restaurant meals and social events with friends. 

I gave up my high paced career when my energy was no longer available to sustain this lifestyle. 
I made this mean that I wasn't really the accomplished woman with whom I had so strongly identified for decades.

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Do you hide your anger?

Many kids have trouble getting a handle on their anger. My parents will certainly tell you I did! For some, these emotionally charged outbursts continue into adulthood. It took me a very long time to figure out that my short fuse made me feel powerful and was really a disguise for a whole host of more vulnerable emotions like sadness, embarrassment and shame that I wasn't willing to face.

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Are You Eating Your Emotions?

Since implementing a mindful eating practice I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my energy levels after mealsSlowing down to acknowledge a meal that you are about to eat and savoring the bites as they touch your lips may seem like a luxury we just don't have the time for these days (not to mention a bit odd), but there is real evidence that this practice translates into health benefits for you.

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Can You Hear Your Inner Wisdom?

Picture yourself waiting for an elevator late at night, all alone in a quiet building. You push the button and search inside your bag for your keys as your mind wanders through any number of busy thoughts. Suddenly the elevator door opens and you're startled to see a strange man, who for some reason, makes you afraid...

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What's Your Story?

We live in our narrative, our story, our paradigm.  Mark Twain said, “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”

Our inner story is based on ruminations of the past and fears about what could happen in the future. It’s real, but it’s not true. The story playing in our head and the emotions that go along with it are very real, but our idea is not true...

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The Secret to Remodeling Your Brain

I'm not going to keep you in suspense any longer. So here goes..  the secret to remodeling your brain is... positive self-talk. Yep, that's it. That's the big secret. No doubt you've heard it before. But, have you really understood what it means and how truly powerful it is when it comes to your health?  

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How I Made Peace with My Dis-ease

It was the evening of July 31, 2012 and I had hit rock bottom. My husband and I were celebrating our thirteenth wedding anniversary with a lovely dinner by candlelight that he had lovingly prepared for me at home. At this point, I was aware that something was going awry with my energy level so I knew better than to indulge in my favorite red wine. But, even totally sober and immersed in this romantic setting I was unable to keep my eyes open. My head hit the table and I was asleep before dinner was even served. How did I get here? What was happening to me?? 

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The Magic of Loving Yourself First

If I can’t be superwoman for my family then how can I really be there for them? How can I insure that I’m doing everything possible to raise my children (or grandchildren) in a loving and supportive environment in the midst of my dis-ease? What does this look like? 
I know what it doesn’t look like. It doesn’t look like giving and giving and giving at the expense of yourself, only to end up playing the martyr. Been there. Done that. It didn’t feel so good. 

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Turning Fear into Excitement

Have you ever had that feeling in the pit of your stomach when faced with a new challenge? That gut punch and rapid heartbeat that seem to electrify you at the near mention of an activity outside your comfort zone? I find it happening more and more lately now that I’m no longer “sick”. So many thrilling life experiences were put on hold for half a decade while I found myself increasingly confined to the stability of my own safe little world.  Now that I’m really living life again I find that activities I once took for granted sometimes scare the crap out of me. 

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